One of my most favorite lines from the movie: "We're just like Kevin Bacon." So, I had to incorporate the line and bacon into a cooking lesson. Who doesn't love bacon?? OR Kevin Bacon for that matter??
First, we made our pancake batter and then we added the bacon to make, "We're just like Kevin Bacon" Bacon Dippers. Check out the pictures below!
First, we made our pancake batter and then we added the bacon to make, "We're just like Kevin Bacon" Bacon Dippers. Check out the pictures below!
Follow The RecipeYUM! We made pancake batter, microwaved our bacon, and then used the skillet to put the two together!
Share With TeachersOH BOY! Our staff loved us today! Everyone was in love with the Kevin Bacon bacon dippers!
Collecting Data and GraphingWhile we were sharing our bacon dippers, we asked our staff:
Do you only eat bacon in the morning, all day and all night, or not at all. We took our data back to the classroom and filled in simple bar graphs. Check back for the results! |